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BlogBest Teas for the Summer: Hot and Cold Options

Best Teas for the Summer: Hot and Cold Options

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy a variety of teas that can keep you refreshed and hydrated. Whether you prefer hot or cold beverages, there are plenty of options to choose from that offer both flavor and health benefits. In this post, we will explore the best teas for the summer, suitable for both hot and cold servings. Let’s dive into these refreshing choices and discover why they are perfect for the warmer months.


Best Teas for the Summer

While it might seem counterintuitive, drinking hot tea in the summer can actually help cool you down. Hot beverages can increase your body’s heat perception, making you sweat and ultimately cooling you off as the sweat evaporates.


While it might seem counterintuitive, drinking hot tea in the summer can actually help cool you down. Hot beverages can increase your body’s heat perception, making you sweat and ultimately cooling you off as the sweat evaporates.
  • Green Tea– Green tea is light and refreshing, with a variety of health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants and can boost metabolism, making it a great choice for hot summer days.
    Recommended from ZenTea: Sencha Green Tea, a fresh and grassy tea with a light flavor.
  • Peppermint Tea– It is naturally cooling and soothing. It can help with digestion and provide a refreshing minty flavor that invigorates the senses.
    Recommended from ZenTea: Green Peppermint Lemon Tea, a refreshing and perfect tea for a hot day.
  • Ginger Tea– It is known for its spicy and warming flavor. It aids digestion and can help reduce nausea, making it a comforting hot beverage for summer evenings.
    Recommended from ZenTea: Herbal Mint Lemon Ginger Tea for being zesty and invigorating.
Cold teas are perfect for quenching your thirst and keeping you hydrated on hot days. These iced teas are not only delicious but also provide a refreshing escape from the heat.
  • Iced Hibiscus Raspberry Tea– Hibiscus tea has a tart and tangy flavor, similar to cranberries. It is high in vitamin C and antioxidants, making it a healthy and refreshing cold beverage.
  • Rooibos Tea Rooibos tea is naturally sweet and caffeine-free, with a smooth, rich flavor. It’s perfect for a hydrating iced tea that can be enjoyed any time of the day.
    Recommended from ZenTea: Rooibos Red Tea, which is naturally sweet and perfect for iced tea.
  • Mint Ginger Tea- Mint ginger tea combines the benefits of ginger tea with the cooling effect of mint. It’s a revitalizing and hydrating drink that’s ideal for hot summer afternoons. Recommended from ZenTea: Green Moroccan Mint Tea is refreshing and invigorating.


Explore Quality Teas at ZenTea
ZenTea in Chamblee, GA, offers a wide selection of high-quality teas that are perfect for both hot and cold preparations. Visit ZenTeaCo to explore their range of teas, including:
Finding the best teas for the summer can enhance your tea-drinking experience and keep you refreshed and hydrated. Whether you enjoy a hot cup of green tea in the morning or a cold glass of hibiscus tea in the afternoon, there are plenty of options to suit your taste. Explore the premium teas at ZenTea in Chamblee, GA, and enjoy the perfect summer beverage.
best teas for the summer, summer teas, hot teas, cold teas, refreshing teas

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